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Thursday, 04 Nov 2021

Virtual panel: Language and Communication Justice series

Nov 04, 2021

4:00 PM



ISU Surplus Diversity Lectures

"Linguistic justice in and beyond the classroom: Language, gender, and sexuality scholars on language advocacy," Allyson Jule, Lal Zimman and Joyhanna Yoo Garza. The panel will discuss language justice and gender and sexuality, highlighting their research and advocacy and encouraging ISU and Ames community members to engage in this work as well. Part of the Writing and Media Center's 2021-2022 Speaker Series on Language an Communication Justice.

Minorities Report: Indigenous Peoples in Socialist and Post-Socialist China

Nov 04, 2021

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures

What are "indigenous peoples" in China, and what are their worlds like? How did the Ming and Qing states manage non-Han indigenous peoples through the native hereditary chieftain system (known as the tusi system)? How did the socialist state create a nation of 56 nationalities, and what were its policies towards so-called "minority nationalities?" Erik Mueggler, University of Michigan, will deliver the Phi Beta Kappa Lecture.