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Monday, 01 Oct 2018

October Craft of the Month: Sugar Skulls

Oct 01, 2018

All day

The Workspace at the Memorial Union


Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a Mexican holiday for celebrating and honoring those who have passed. One tradition includes building ofrendas (altars) honoring the deceased using brightly colored skulls, marigolds, and possessions of the departed. Instead of sugar, our skulls are paper mache, but we invite you to decorate them in the spirit of Dia de los Muertos using paint, glitter, gems, flowers and other adornments.

Monday Monologues series

Oct 01, 2018

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Grant Wood Foyer, Parks Library


University Library Arts, performances Lectures

"Get Out the Vote Plays," Tiffany Antone, lecturer in music and theatre will curate short, nonpartisan plays. This lunchtime series features facets of composition and art through a series of readings or performances curated by Iowa State faculty. Bring your lunch or stop by Bookends Café on your way.

Woodshop Orientation

Oct 01, 2018

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $20 Public $30 (supplies included + $6 optional purchase)

Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Learn the fundamentals of woodworking equipment while creating a tool carrier. Leave class with knowledge of proper machinery use, and, most importantly, woodshop safety.