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What is featured?

Friday, 11 Oct 2019

Paint Your Own Pottery: Color Me!

Oct 11, 2019

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $4 studio fee + cost of bisque, Public $5 studio fee + cost of bisque

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Just like a coloring book, these pieces have line drawings ready for filling in and they are super-cute! Llamas, sloths, unicorns and more on mugs and plates. We will show you the basics of painting your piece and fire it within a week. Studio fee is $4 for ISU and $5 for public to attend plus the cost of the bisque you select. Drop off but give yourself an hour.

Iowa Songwriters Showcase

Oct 11, 2019

7:00 PM

Goldfinch Room, Stephens Auditorium


Iowa State Center Arts, performances

The October showcase features folk artist Mississippi Jake and multi-instrumentalist Buz Owen.

Concert: ISU Symphony Orchestra

Oct 11, 2019

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, Music Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts, performances

The Iowa State University Symphony Orchestra is a premiere ensemble of the Department of Music and Theatre. Tickets available at the door or in the Music Hall office.


Oct 11, 2019

8:00 PM

M-Shop, Memorial Union

$8 / $10 (w/ $2 DOS increase)

Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Whitacre is a group blurring the lines of folk, indie rock and bluegrass music. Their brand of folk-rock combines thought-provoking lyrics and high-energy live performances that led to tours with Family and Friends, Wilderado, and Wild Rivers.