Tuesday, 15 Oct 2019
Majors Fair
More than 100 ISU major and minor degree programs will be represented in one room. The Majors Fair is for any students who are Open Option, undecided, thinking about changing their major, want a second major, or interested in a minor.
Earth Observation Day
This free event celebrates remote sensing and GIS (geographic information system). It starts with a faculty presentation and concludes with a mapathon. Pizza lunch is provided for all who RSVP.
Meeting: Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate represents the general faculty of Iowa State and participates in shared governance of the University with the administration. Senate meetings are open to the public.
Friday, 18 Oct 2019
Retirement reception: Margie Tabor
Margie Tabor, assistant director for space planning and management, facilities planning and management, is retiring Oct. 18.