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Monday, 02 Apr 2018

Portrait Unveiling: Perry Holden

Apr 02, 2018

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Agronomy Hall Commons

Agronomy Department Meetings, receptions

Kick off National Agronomy Week by honoring the United States' first agronomy professor - Perry Holden. Holden was department chair and vice-dean of agriculture in 1902. A coffee and cookie reception will be held following the unveiling of the Holden portrait.

Entomology Seminar

Apr 02, 2018

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM

E164 Lagomarcino Hall


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Lectures

"Understanding dispersal by Western Corn Rootworm: Effects of larval density on flight and of flight on female reproduction," Eric Yu, Iowa State, M.S. defense.