Saturday, 05 Oct 2019
Alla Prima Oil Painting Workshop
Sara Merritt Wet-on-wet, or alla prima (Italian, meaning at first attempt) painting is a technique in which layers of wet paint are applied to previous layers of wet paint, resulting in vibrant works. NOT a beginner's class. Must have prior painting knowledge such as brush work and color mixing. Bring an image to work from, an apron/paint clothes, and a bag. A canvas and all other supplies (brushes, tools and oil paint colors) will be provided.
Concert: Written in Britain and Ireland
Miriam Zach ISU Organ Faculty; Stephen Smith, organist; Nolan Brown, baritone
Performance: Climate Change Theatre Action
"Climate Change Theatre Action: Lighting the Way," a series of short plays written by international playwrights to support the UN Climate Change Conference. These stories bring science to life and encourage us to work toward a sustainable future together. ISU's CCTA focuses on sharing knowledge, discovering hope and creating community as the best ways to face growing environmental crises.