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Sunday, 08 Mar 2009

Performance: "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail"

Mar 08, 2009

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Fisher Theater

Adults $14, seniors $12, students $7

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts, performances

In 1846, Henry David Thoreau spent the night in jail for refusing to pay his taxes since his money might be used to support slavery or the Mexican-American War. This famous act of civil disobedience resulted in this script, a play about ideas, political and personal, and about each person's responsibility to ensure independence and democracy. Tickets available through the Stephens Box Office or Ticketmaster.

ISU Piano Faculty Recital

Mar 08, 2009

7:30 PM

Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, Music Building


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts, performances

The featured work is the Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion by Bela Bartok. Performers will be ISU music faculty William David and Mason Conklin, pianists, and Barry Larkin and Bri Leahy (ISU music student percussionist). The work is one of the great masterpieces of 20th century piano repertoire. Also performing piano solos, duos and trios on the program are Joshua Grunmann, Paula Forrest, and Ruth Lin.