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Sunday, 23 Feb 2014

Meaning in Body Language: An Introduction to Delsarte Principals

Feb 23, 2014

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $15/Public $20

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

An introduction to the most basic elements of body language through the Delsarte System of Expression. Developed 150 years ago, Delsarte is a powerful force in our understanding of human movement and expression. This interactive workshop is led by Joe Williams, who is on the movement faculty for the Dalcroze Institute at Juilliard, where students of theater, music and dance from around the world learn his Three Pillars approach to Delsarte.

Beauty, Power & Presence: A Deeper Look at Delsarte

Feb 23, 2014

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $25/Public $30

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

Developed 150 years ago, Delsarte is a powerful force in our understanding of human movement and expression. Awaken the body and its relationship to internal emotion, thought and impulse. Take a more in-depth look and the universal principles and awareness of emotional content of the body. Study techniques to give the control of expression and gesture to our creative unconscious.

Soap Making - Cold Process Class

Feb 23, 2014

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $50/Public $60 Inlcudes Supplies

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Make quality, handmade soap from scratch. Learn the step-by-step process - from the selection of oils and fragrances and calculating lye amounts to picking out equipment.

Argentine Tango Class

Feb 23, 2014

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

Tango punch card ISU $30/Public $40

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance.