Tuesday, 17 Apr 2018
Graduate College: Deadline
Graduate College: last day to submit Graduate Student Approval Form.
Conference: Geological Society of America
The GSA North-Central Section's 52nd annual meeting will discuss hot topics in geoscience, new research findings on glacier flow and agricultural water quality. Emerging contaminants in the environment will be presented and Iowa's unique geologic and hydrologic features will be explored.
Workshop: Best Practices for a Successful IRB Submission
This four-part series looks more closely at the various components of the IRB submission process. In this session you will learn about best practices and receive tips for ensuring a smooth IRB review process.
Training: Spotting Severe Storms
This workshop is offered by Environmental Health and Safety for all university employees and students, and is especially encouraged those who work outdoors. Register via Learn@ISU.
Meeting: Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate represents the general faculty of Iowa State University and participates in shared governance of the University with the administration. Senate meetings are open to the public.
The Dose Makes The Poison: David Carius
David Carius, a candidate for a Master of Arts in environmental graphic design, will present his projection-based installation exploring issues related to Iowa's drinking water quality.
Floral Design: Spring Swags
Welcome spring with a lasting swag featuring fresh florals and greens that dry beautifully. Registration with pre-payment is required one week in advance.
Lecture: Science Fiction Writing
"Writing Science Fiction Thrillers in the Age of Climate Change," Paolo Bacigalupi, award-winning science fiction and fantasy writer and author of several popular dystopian novels for young adults, including "Ship Breaker."