Wednesday, 09 May 2018
Textbook Return
Last day for end of term rental book return without penalty to the University Bookstore.
Midwest Statistical Machine Learning Colloquium
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together a diverse set of researchers and practitioners to discuss current motivating problems and methodological advances in theory-based machine learning. Three morning talks on applicable theory will be followed by the poster session (with ample time for interaction with all presenters built around lunch) and three afternoon talks on a variety of important applications.
Crop Bioengineering Center Symposium
"Genome Editing: Putting Together the Pieces," with keynote speaker Stefan Jansson, Umea University, Sweden.
Open forum: Campus climate survey results
A summary of results from last fall's campus climate survey will be presented during two town public forums. The survey evaluated perceptions of the living, learning and working environment at Iowa State.
Artful Yoga
This practice will enrich your yoga experience by going beyond the physical and inviting an artistic perspective to your awareness. The practice will begin at 5:30 with a brief talk connecting the current exhibition to the yoga practice. No yoga experience is necessary, but please bring your own mat. Free, but online registration required at
Open forum: Campus climate survey results
A summary of results from last fall's campus climate survey will be presented during two town public forums. The survey evaluated perceptions of the living, learning and working environment at Iowa State.