Wednesday, 05 Sep 2018
ClubFest is an opportunity for students to browse through many clubs and organizations at Iowa State to find out how to get involved on campus!
Lecture: The Art of Mindfulness
Romapada Swami is a Vaishnava monk, a scholar on Eastern (Vedic) thought and philosophy, and a highly respected spiritual leader with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Monday, 10 Sep 2018
Dining Green Foods & Features Event
Join us for our second month of celebrating 10 Years of Living Green with a focus on Dining Green! Learn about ISU Dining's commitment to a greener dining experience and meet ISU student organizations committed to food, nutrition and food security. Apples, cookies and sustainable giveaways to all attendees.
Wednesday, 12 Sep 2018
Resin Butterfly Wing Pendants Walk-in Craft
Choose a beautiful wing from Reiman Gardens' Butterfly Conservatory to turn into a lovey resin pendant. Wings are gathered after butterflies die naturally, so no butterflies will be harmed, only celebrated by their beauty. The butterfly is the symbol of Wings of Refuge, a program for the aftercare of human-trafficking victims, and proceeds from this event will support their initiative to bring a Wings of Refuge home to the Ames area.
Thursday, 13 Sep 2018
Lecture: Autism and Animals, Temple Grandin
"The Design Process, Autism and Animals." Temple Grandin is a person with autism, and an expert on both autism and animal behavior. She is a professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University.
Thursday, 20 Sep 2018
Lecture: Art and Our Culture of Ephemerality
Artist and printmaker Andrew Kozlowski will discuss how our histories are shaped by the objects we possess and the ephemerality of our human-made, constructed world.