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What is featured?

Friday, 02 Nov 2018

WE Lead: Women's Empowerment and Leadership Conference

Nov 02, 2018

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Iowa State Alumni Center


Student Engagement Student activities Training, development

WE Lead brings students together to network with each other, as well as female leaders at Iowa State and the Central Iowa community. Participants will have the opportunity to hone their leadership skills, engage in interactive discussions and networking sessions, and reflect on their own leadership qualities and what they have to offer in their respective roles at Iowa State and beyond.

Saturday, 03 Nov 2018

Delsarte Workshops: Body Language and the Artist

Nov 03, 2018

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Gallery at the Memorial Union


Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Visiting Master Delsarte Instructor Joe Willimas from New York will lead this seminar. It is an introduction to some of the most basic elements of body language, as revealed by Delsarte. This is applicable not only to performance, but to all the arts, to business, communications, psychology, or any individual who would like to benefit from more knowledge of the self.

Sunday, 04 Nov 2018

Delsarte Workshops: Body Language and the Artist

Nov 04, 2018

10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Gallery at the Memorial Union


Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Visiting Master Delsarte Instructor Joe Willimas from New York will lead this seminar. It is an introduction to some of the most basic elements of body language, as revealed by Delsarte. This is applicable not only to performance, but to all the arts, to business, communications, psychology, or any individual who would like to benefit from more knowledge of the self.

Walk-in Argentine Tango

Nov 04, 2018

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Room 3512 in the Memorial Union

ISU Five lessons for $35, Public Five lessons for $45

Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance. From 4-5pm, moves for beginners are introduced with a different figure each week along with techniques for better dancing. From 5-7pm, the floor is yours for dancing under the guidance of Valerie Williams, and for working with different partners. An intermediate level figure will also be introduced during this time.

Monday, 05 Nov 2018

Lecture: Newspapers, Op-eds, and American Responses to Antisemitism

Nov 05, 2018

7:00 PM

Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave.


Lecture Series Lectures

Eric Schmalz, community manager for the History Unfolded project at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, will talk about the role antisemitism played in the general American cultural landscape and how ordinary Americans reacted.

Thursday, 08 Nov 2018

Gender and Power in Contemporary Somalia

Nov 08, 2018

7:00 PM

Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave.


Lecture Series Lectures

Fartumo Kusow will discuss her most recent novel, Tale of a Boon's Wife, and how her life and experiences as a Somali woman shape her characters and major themes of her work. Kusow draws connections between the main themes of social hierarchy, female relationships, power, and prejudice and present day unconscious biases.

Sunday, 11 Nov 2018

Walk-in Argentine Tango

Nov 11, 2018

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Room 3512 in the Memorial Union

ISU Five lessons for $35, Public Five lessons for $45

Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance. From 4-5pm, moves for beginners are introduced with a different figure each week along with techniques for better dancing. From 5-7pm, the floor is yours for dancing under the guidance of Valerie Williams, and for working with different partners. An intermediate level figure will also be introduced during this time.

Monday, 12 Nov 2018

Faculty-staff mixer with first-generation students

Nov 12, 2018

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Hixson-Lied Student Success Center


Student Affairs Special events Student activities

Faculty and staff who themselves identified as first-generation students are invited to meet with first-generation students. A student panel follows (6:30-7:30 pm.). Registration is requested.

Tuesday, 13 Nov 2018

Documentary & Discussion: Maineland

Nov 13, 2018

6:30 PM

South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

MAINELAND follows two affluent and cosmopolitan teenagers from China as they settle into a boarding school in blue-collar rural Maine. They are part of the enormous wave of Chinese "parachute students" enrolling in U.S. private schools. A discussion with the director, Miao Wang, will immediately follow the 90-minute film.

Thursday, 15 Nov 2018

Documentary & Discussion: Talking Black in America

Nov 15, 2018

8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

The film "Talking Black in America" showcases the history and symbolic role of language in the lives of African Americans and highlights its tremendous impact on the speech and culture of the United States. It addresses the persistent misinformation about African American speech and situates it as an integral part of the historical and cultural legacy of all Americans.

Sunday, 18 Nov 2018

Walk-in Argentine Tango

Nov 18, 2018

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Room 3512 in the Memorial Union

ISU Five lessons for $35, Public Five lessons for $45

Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance. From 4-5pm, moves for beginners are introduced with a different figure each week along with techniques for better dancing. From 5-7pm, the floor is yours for dancing under the guidance of Valerie Williams, and for working with different partners. An intermediate level figure will also be introduced during this time.

Monday, 26 Nov 2018

Lecture: Traditional Medicine and the Commercialization of Women's Bodies

Nov 26, 2018

3:10 PM - 4:00 PM

2131 Pearson Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

Theresah Patrine Ennin is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, where she teaches African literature, critical theory, research methods and communicative skills. She is a 2018/19 American Council of Learned Societies/African Studies Association Presidential Fellow.

Tuesday, 27 Nov 2018

Lecture: Men and the Politics of Hegemony in Ghanaian Film and Fiction

Nov 27, 2018

7:00 PM

South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

The presentation uses Ghanaian films and books to detail the measure men undertake in their desire to reach the hegemonic ideal and the costs and consequences to themselves and their families. Theresah Patrine Ennin is the 2018 American Council of Learned Societies-African Studies Association Presidential Fellow.

Panel Discussion: Children at War

Nov 27, 2018

7:00 PM

Cardinal Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

"Children at War: Born into a War Zone," members of the International Student Council's Humanitarian Awareness Committee will share stories and facts about children growing up in nations at war or affected by war. The discussion will be led and moderated by Jean-Pierre Taoutel, a Senior Lecturer of French at Iowa State.

Wednesday, 28 Nov 2018

Lecture: Creating Diverse and Inclusive Spaces in the Sciences

Nov 28, 2018

7:00 PM

Dolezal Auditorium, 127 Curtiss Hall


Lecture Series Lectures

"Creating Deliberately Diverse and Intentionally Inclusive Spaces in the Sciences." Danielle N. Lee is a vocal advocate of science engagement among traditionally underrepresented and underserved audiences. She hosts the Urban Scientist blog at Scientific American and teaches mammalogy and urban ecology at Southern Illinois University.