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What is featured?

Wednesday, 13 Feb 2019

Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair

Feb 13, 2019

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Hilton Coliseum


Ivy College of Business Conferences Student activities

The career fair enables students to explore career opportunities, obtain employer information, and locate internships, co-ops and full-time positions. Employers have the opportunity to connect with promising candidates for job and internship openings as well as network with university personnel and other employers. Open to all majors and other job seekers.

People to People Career Fair

Feb 13, 2019

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Scheman Building


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Conferences Student activities

The career fair offers employers and students a professional environment in which to connect and discuss internships and full-time employment opportunities in human/social services; health/wellness; government; and hospitality. There also will be an opportunity for students to meet with representatives from professional health and law schools.

Friday, 22 Feb 2019

Social Justice Summit

Feb 22, 2019

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Gold Room, Memorial Union


Student Engagement Conferences Student activities

The Social Justice Summit provides students with the opportunity to increase their awareness of inclusion issues and to develop action plans that will assist them in being agents of change on campus. Registration is free and open to ISU undergraduate and graduate students.

Tuesday, 26 Feb 2019

P&S Council Professional Development Conference

Feb 26, 2019

8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Scheman Building

$100; $120 after Jan. 28

Groups, governance Conferences Training, development

"Cultivate Your Adventure: Planting the Seeds of Success" will feature two breakout sessions and two keynote speakers.

Wednesday, 27 Feb 2019

ISCORE Preconference

Feb 27, 2019

11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Memorial Union


Student Affairs Conferences

A professional development opportunity for faculty, professional and merit staff. These sessions provide a structured environment to enhance your understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences. Many of the sessions will focus on providing tools to improve employee interactions and create inclusive workspaces. Registration (free) is requested.