Monday, 25 Feb 2019
Monday Monologues series
"Daily Dialogue: Truth," a live storytelling event by the Iowa State Daily. Five students will share personal stories for Black History Month.
Lecture: Youth and the First Amendment
"Stand Up! Speak Up! Youth and the First Amendment." Mary Beth Tinker and John Tinker will discuss the significance of their historic Supreme Court case, especially in the current political climate. Mark Stringer, ACLU of Iowa Director, will moderate.
Tuesday, 26 Feb 2019
Book talk: One Woman with 110 Lives
"I, We or Whoever: One Woman with 110 Lives," Kay Jackson Berger, retired psychiatric social worker and author. She will be talking about her book "I, We or Whoever: One Woman with 110 Lives (Not Counting the First One)." The book reveals 23 years of work in resolving "Mariah's" multiple personality disorder.
Lecture: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk Racism
"White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk Racism," Robin DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility" and "Is Everyone Really Equal." DiAngelo has had a profound influence on the national discourse on race. She is affiliate faculty at the University of Washington College of Education. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, 27 Feb 2019
Keynote: Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week
"But You Don't Look Like You Have an Eating Disorder, and Other Avoidable Barriers to Recovery," Sarah Thompson, a writer, eating disorder recovery coach and consultant, will share stories from their own recovery after having an eating disorder for 18 years.
Lecture: The History of North America's Earliest Dogs
"More Than Mutts" - Chris Widga, head curator at the East Tennessee State University Museum of Natural History, is part of an international team examining DNA as part of a study of the complex evolutionary history of early dogs.
Thursday, 28 Feb 2019
Mvskoke Community Futurity: A Map to the Next World
Mvskoke scholar Laura Harjo, an assistant professor of community and regional planning at the University of New Mexico, will speak about indigenous feminist space, place and mapping theories as part of the Contemporary Issues in Planning and Design Lecture Series at Iowa State. Her talk is cosponsored by the Department of Community and Regional Planning, urban design graduate program, American Indian studies program and College of Design.
Friday, 01 Mar 2019
ISCORE Keynote: Vernon Wall
Vernon Wall is a nationally known speaker in the areas of social justice and leadership styles and is one of the founders and facilitators of the Social Justice Training Institute.
Friday Research Seminar: The Art of Asking Questions
How do questions influence the thinking process in design? To what extent do (high-level) questions influence problem definition and shape idea generation? What type of question-asking behavior drives the creative thinking process? How does one learn to ask "good" questions? In this talk, Carlos Cardoso, associate professor of industrial design, will discuss the role of question-asking in designing as part of his research in design methodology.
Lecture: Reframing the National Conversation about Immigration
"Law and Story: Reframing the National Conversation about Immigration," Rev. Dr. David Vasquez-Levy, President of the Pacific School of Religion, and Tom Miller, Iowa State Attorney General, will discuss both immigration laws and the current immigration narrative among academic, legal and religious communities.