Tuesday, 11 Jun 2019
Research workshop: FY19 IRB Regulations - 2018 Common Rule
Revised regulations governing the protection of human research subjects and IRB review (i.e., The Common Rule) went into effect Jan. 21, 2019. Learn about updates to the 2018 Common Rule related to IRB regulations.
Wednesday, 19 Jun 2019
Research workshop: Working with IACUC and IBC Protocols Using a-tune
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian, and Laboratory Animal Resources are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Thursday, 20 Jun 2019
Research event: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lightning Talks and Mixer
The Office of the Vice President for Research is providing an opportunity to connect with faculty and researchers from across campus who may have similar interests in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Attendees will present a 3-minute lightning talk. After all of the attendees have presented, we will break into small groups to continue discussing the different research interests.