Wednesday, 18 Sep 2019
Campus Fire Safety Day
As part of Campus Fire Safety Month, Environmental Health and Safety is hosting its annual Fire Safety Day. Stop by to put out a simulated fire, learn fire safety tips, meet Ames fire fighters and receive a free T-shirt.
Career Fair: College of Engineering
Employers will be on campus looking to fill full-time, intern and co-op positions. All ISU students and alumni are welcome to attend. Information on employers attending the career fairs is available on CyHire and the MyState App ("Fairs" feature).
Hand Lettering + Watercolor Workshop
Kristin Erdman Walk through a step-by-step process to learn the basics of hand-lettering and some techniques for creating a watercolor background. Choose a word that speaks your truth, and combine your new skills using pens and watercolors. Pop it in a 5" x 7" frame and leave with some new artwork for your walls and extra practice sheets to continue honing your skills. Beginners and lefties welcome!
Leaders Workshop Series
The Leaders Workshop Series is an opportunity for you to build up your leadership skills from the inside out.
Hand Lettering + Watercolor Workshop
Kristin Erdman Walk through a step-by-step process to learn the basics of hand-lettering and some techniques for creating a watercolor background. Choose a word that speaks your truth, and combine your new skills using pens and watercolors. Pop it in a 5" x 7" frame and leave with some new artwork for your walls and extra practice sheets to continue honing your skills. Beginners and lefties welcome!