Monday, 21 Oct 2019
Workshop: Open Access Publishing
"Open Access Publishing: Where do I Start?" Learn the process of identifying and evaluating a publisher, locating funding, and exploring other options for making your research open. Whether you want to publish an article or share your research data, we'll get you started.
Thursday, 24 Oct 2019
Workshop: Preparing Effective Award Nominations
Gain insights into the best practices of successful nominations and how to avoid the most common errors and pitfalls in your preparation. Presenter: Kirsten Abel, faculty honors and awards coordinator, provost's office.
Workshop: Data Sharing 101
The sharing of research data is a vital component of open science. It is a process that works in tandem with publishing by providing access to the data that underlies and supports research results. This workshop covers the best practices for data sharing including how to prepare a dataset for sharing and what to expect during review.