Wednesday, 16 Oct 2019
Workshop: Gender 101
Learn the basics of gender identities and expression from an LGBTQIA+ perspective. Presented by the Gamma Rho Lambda Omicron chapter.
Thursday, 17 Oct 2019
Conference: Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education
An annual conference to present scholarly papers, present and discuss the arts and entrepreneurship, address other issues pertinent to the Society such as pedagogy, outreach and conducting the business of the society.
Friday, 18 Oct 2019
Conference: Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education
An annual conference to present scholarly papers, present and discuss the arts and entrepreneurship, address other issues pertinent to the Society such as pedagogy, outreach and conducting the business of the society.
Saturday, 19 Oct 2019
Conference: Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education
An annual conference to present scholarly papers, present and discuss the arts and entrepreneurship, address other issues pertinent to the Society such as pedagogy, outreach and conducting the business of the society.