Sunday, 13 Oct 2019
Film and discussion: Seeds! Diversity of Wonder
Biologist Thor Hanson is a Guggenheim Fellow, a Switzer Environmental Fellow, and the award-winning author of "The Triumph of Seeds." He is featured in the new six-part documentary "Seeds: Diversity of Wonder," produced by the Iowa State University Seed Science Center. Following the film, Hanson will discuss his research and writing on the natural and human history of seeds.
Lecture: Rethinking the Future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in American Cities
Planning and development specialist Brian Hurd, the technical assistance program manager for Rise Community Development in St. Louis, will talk about building equity and sustainability in communities in a public keynote lecture following an invitation-only design charrette to examine regenerative and inclusive housing solutions for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Hurd holds a master of community and regional planning from ISU.