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What is featured?

Monday, 28 Oct 2019

Monday Monologues series

Oct 28, 2019

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Grant Wood Foyer, Parks Library


University Library Arts, performances Lectures

"Chasing George Washington," a musical White House adventure. Selections directed by Brad Dell, ISU music and theatre.

Environmental Martyrs and the Fate of the Forest

Oct 28, 2019

7:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Rob Nixon, a nonfiction writer and public intellectual working in the environmental humanities and postcolonial studies, will address the current surge in environmental martyrdom against the backdrop of the resource wars in the Amazon and beyond. The talk will offer an international perspective on the value of our planet's inhabited forests and the threats to their viability. 2019-2020 Department of English Goldtrap Speaker Series

Tuesday, 29 Oct 2019

Lecture: How the Prison Boom Transformed Rural America

Oct 29, 2019

7:30 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

"In Our Backyards: How the Prison Boom Transformed Rural America," John Major Eason, associate professor in the sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and author of "Big House on the Prairie: Rise of the Rural Ghetto and Prison Proliferation." Eason was a church-based community organizer focusing on housing and criminal justice issues.

Wednesday, 30 Oct 2019

Lecture: Can Iowa Agriculture Survive

Oct 30, 2019

3:00 PM

Design 101


Lecture Series Lectures

Seth Watkins and Jeremy Jackson will discuss one of the most popular and critical topics of study at Iowa State University and the rest of the state, which is the environmental, socio-cultural and economic effects of Iowa's current agricultural system within and outside of its borders.

Fourm: City Council Ward 4 Candidates

Oct 30, 2019

5:30 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Come out for an evening where you will be given an opportunity to ask questions to the city council Ward 4 candidates, Joe Van Erdewyk, Rachel Junck, and Chris Nelson. During the forum, moderator, Dr. Kelly Shaw will be asking each candidate questions that relate to problems in the city of Ames. Students and community members will also have a chance to ask the candidates questions throughout the event.

Lecture: Advancing Transparency

Oct 30, 2019

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Kocimski Auditorium, 101 Design


College of Design Lectures

Lisa Rammig, a senior associate at the structural design firm Eckersley O'Callaghan, will speak about the firm's work and her own research on transparent glass connections in this ISU Department of Architecture Public Program supported by Shive-Hattery Architecture and Engineering.

Lecture: Science, Technology and Faith

Oct 30, 2019

7:00 PM

South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Aaron Dominguez is the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at the Catholic University of America, a particle physicist, and a devout Catholic. He will speak about how faith is part of what inspires him to study the origins of the universe in his own research in experimental high-energy physics.