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What is featured?

Saturday, 28 Mar 2020

Iowa Songwriters Showcase

Mar 28, 2020

5:00 PM

Goldfinch Room, Stephens Auditorium


Iowa State Center Arts, performances

Central Standard Time is an acoustic duo from Iowa City. Matt Hibbard and Charlie Rod met at camp, where their friendship grew strong. From that friendship sprouted a musical collaboration, born of many summer nights singing and playing around a campfire, winter days singing and playing by a fireplace, and countless days and nights in a college dorm room, making music with friends. Two shows are scheduled (5 and 8 p.m.).

Iowa Songwriters Showcase

Mar 28, 2020

8:00 PM

Goldfinch Room, Stephens Auditorium


Iowa State Center Arts, performances

Central Standard Time is an acoustic duo from Iowa City. Matt Hibbard and Charlie Rod met at camp, where their friendship grew strong. From that friendship sprouted a musical collaboration, born of many summer nights singing and playing around a campfire, winter days singing and playing by a fireplace, and countless days and nights in a college dorm room, making music with friends. Two shows are scheduled (5 and 8 p.m.).