Wednesday, 04 Mar 2020
ISCORE Preconference
A professional development opportunity for faculty, professional and merit staff. These sessions provide a structured environment to enhance your understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences. Many of the sessions will focus on providing tools to improve employee interactions and create inclusive workspaces. Registration (free) is requested.
Naming celebration: Simon Estes Music Hall
On Feb. 5, the state Board of Regents approved Iowa State's request to name Music Hall for opera vocalist Simon Estes, the music and theatre department's F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Artist-in-Residence since 2000. A live webcast will be available.
Thursday, 05 Mar 2020
Symphony of Diversity
This annual concert, started by ISU director of orchestras Jonathan Govias in spring 2017 at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, will feature the ISU Symphony Orchestra, one or two guest artists and scores created by female, African American and Mexican composers.
Friday, 06 Mar 2020
Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity
ISCORE is the university's local initiative designed to provide an ongoing platform of sharing and applying new knowledge through presentations and workshops. The conference supports the university's Mission to "create, share and apply knowledge ... and make Iowa and the world a better place." Registration (free) is requested.
Lecture: Ancient Indian Science in the Modern World
Dr. Kak is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Oklahoma State University. His research is in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and history of science. Dr. Kak will discuss how ancient Indian science, including the invention of zero and the decimal system, is still applicable and influencing modern life.
Wednesday, 11 Mar 2020
Panel discussion: Des Moines Gay Men's Chorus
Members of the Des Moines Gay Men's Chorus will talk about their history, community impact, important figures and more. Presented by the Women's and Gender Studies Program.
Friday, 20 Mar 2020
CANCELED: Masters of Mimicry Spring Break Program
What is camouflage and mimicry, and how do plants and animals use them in the wild?