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What is featured?

Monday, 01 Mar 2021

NIH Proposal Development

Mar 01, 2021

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM



Research Training, development

In this session you will learn about NIH-specific requirements including budgets and the different types of budget justifications. We'll touch on salary caps, just-in-time requests, standard due dates and start dates, and proposal scoring. You'll walk away with some tips, tricks and common issues with proposal development, and you'll have some useful resources to help you through the proposal development process.

Wednesday, 03 Mar 2021

Subrecipient Monitoring

Mar 03, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM



Research Training, development

Collaborations with subrecipients are an essential part of research, but how do we properly manage subrecipients? Join OSPA and SPA as we examine the Uniform Guidance's expanded requirements for subrecipient monitoring on federal financial assistance awards.This training will enhance your understanding of how subrecipient collaborations work and will prepare you to meet the Uniform Guidance's requirements for subrecipient monitoring.

Thursday, 04 Mar 2021

IRB Basics: Informed Consent

Mar 04, 2021

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Research Training, development

This is the third session of a three-part series that looks more indepth at components of the IRB submission process. In this session, participants will learn about the informed consent process, including participant recruitment and the informed consent document. Discussion will center around what's required of you as the researcher, and best practices for designing and administering consent.

Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021

Carbon Removal Forum (virtual)

Mar 10, 2021

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Research Conferences Live Green

The Carbon Removal Forum is a campuswide event to harness knowledge and capacity toward developing an Iowa State University program in agriculturally based carbon removal that could contribute toward mitigating climate change. Featured speakers are Philip Robertson, Michigan State University, and Daniel Sanchez, University of California, Berkeley. Registration (free) is required.