Tuesday, 09 Nov 2021
Professional and Scientific Council seminar series
"Moving on From Pronouns," Andra Castle, assistant director of the Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity. Castle will talk about gender in the workplace and how to develop understanding of gender to create and sustain gender inclusivity, including third person pronouns, how to navigate pronoun changes, and what pronouns teach us about gender. They will provide action steps and reflection questions to help guide understanding.
Meeting: Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate represents the general faculty of Iowa State and participates in shared governance of the University with the administration. Senate meetings are open to the public.
Innovation 101: How to Use the Student Innovation Center
Explore the Boeing Advanced Fabrication and Assembly Shop in the Student Innovation Center. Registration (free) required.
Innovator Readiness Hardest Skills Series: Succeeding at Global Challenges
ISU Innovator-in-Residence David Slump will announce this year's Student Innovation Fund Challenge. David will discuss the process of identifying and breaking down global and societal problems into manageable student projects. (Originally scheduled for Nov. 4.)
Seminar: Genetic conflicts and seed development
Join us to hear Dr. Mary Gehring, Associate Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, discuss her latest results on the divergent roles for maternal and paternal RNA Pol IV during seed development and the basis for dosge sensitivity in Arabidopsis endosperm.
Men's Basketball vs. Kennesaw State
Iowa State vs. Kennesaw State. Dates and times subject to change. Please visit the cyclones.com website for updates and information.
Uncles Sam Wants Who? Women, Men, and the Meaning of American Selective Service
Why is the question of whether women, just like men, should register with Selective Service controversial? Amy J. Rutenberg will discuss the current push for women to register in the context of the different meanings Americans have attributed to military service and the draft, over time.