Saturday, 04 Dec 2021
Forestry Club: Tree and wreath sale
Students in the forestry club will sell Christmas trees and holiday wreaths. Proceeds support club activities.
Horticulture Club: Poinsettia sale
Poinsettias are available in red, white, and specialty colors. Six-inch pots will be sold for $15 and ten-inch pots will be sold for $35. Preorders are available and can be picked up Dec. 1-4 at Horticulture Hall or the sale location.
Art Mart Holiday Sale
The annual holiday art sale at the Memorial Union features one-of-a-kind gifts that are perfect for the holidays from our campus community of artists. The sale will be December 1 - 4, Wednesday 4-7pm, Thursday 10am-4pm, Friday noon-8pm (during WinterFest at the MU) and Saturday 10am-1pm.