Thursday, 03 Feb 2022
IRB 101: Navigating the IRB Submission Process
In this session you will learn tips on developing and submitting protocols to the IRB. A member of IRB staff will walk through key sections of the IRB application and explain what the IRB looks for during the review process.
Wednesday, 23 Feb 2022
Does my study require IRB oversight?
In this session, you will learn how to determine whether IRB oversight is required for your project. We'll also examine the various levels of IRB review (Exempt, Expedited, Full Committee).
Thursday, 24 Feb 2022
PI Departure/Change and Revised GoldSheets
If you have a PI leaving before the next school year, this training is for you. OSPA, OIPTT, and SPA will present on tips and tricks to make your life as a research administrator as easy as possible during this chaotic time.