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What is featured?

Tuesday, 01 Mar 2022

Hip Hop 101: Its Impact on Our World

Mar 01, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Live Green

The Reminders, a husband-wife hip hop duo, consists of Brussels, Belgium-born Big Samir and Queens, New York-born emcees and vocalist Aja Black. In this combo presentation and performance, Samir and Aja will guide attendees through the history of hip hop and its incredible influence in culture. This event will be in person and live streamed. It will NOT be recorded.

Wednesday, 02 Mar 2022

ISCORE Preconference (virtual)

Mar 02, 2022

10:45 AM - 4:00 PM



Student Affairs Conferences Diversity

A professional development opportunity for faculty, professional and merit staff. These sessions provide a structured environment to enhance your understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences. Many of the sessions will focus on providing tools to improve employee interactions and create inclusive workspaces. Registration (free) is requested.

Lecture: Muslims of the Heartland

Mar 02, 2022

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

114 Student Innovation Center


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures

In "Muslims of the Heartland," Edward E. Curtis IV uncovers the long history of Muslims in a part of the country where many readers would not expect to find them -- including in Iowa, the home of the first purpose-built mosque in the United States. Hosted by ISU's religious studies program.

What Is Latinx? and Who Is Latinx?

Mar 02, 2022

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures

The categories of race, gender, and sexuality continue to be the site of analysis for many higher education researchers, effectively filling the void of intersectional approaches to student development and learning theory. Yet, we still struggle with terminology that honors Latinx/a/o students' identities, let alone their intersections with systems of oppression.

Thursday, 03 Mar 2022

Film and discussion: Speaking Truth to Power

Mar 03, 2022

5:00 PM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts, performances Diversity

The online showing and discussion of the "Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power" documentary will be led by Catt Center director Karen Kedrowski. The feature-length documentary tells the story of Representative Barbara Lee, who has been a voice for human rights, peace, and economic and racial justice in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1998.

Friday, 04 Mar 2022

Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity

Mar 04, 2022

8:45 AM - 5:00 PM

Memorial Union


Student Affairs Conferences Diversity

ISCORE is the university's local initiative designed to provide an ongoing platform of sharing and applying new knowledge through presentations and workshops. The conference supports the university's Mission to "create, share and apply knowledge ... and make Iowa and the world a better place." Registration (free) is requested.

Wednesday, 23 Mar 2022

Lecture: George Washington Carver and the Liberatory History of Black Agriculture

Mar 23, 2022

6:00 PM



Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Live Green

Monica M. White, University of Wisconsin, Madison, will talk about her book, "Freedom Farmers," which revises the historical narrative of African American resistance and includes the work, roles, and contributions of southern Black farmers and the organizations they formed. The book traces the origins of Black farmers organizations to the late 1800s.

Thursday, 24 Mar 2022

Lecture: Shifting Gender Equality from Afterthought to Guiding Goal of Agricultural Innovation

Mar 24, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Live Green

Dr. Hale Ann Tufan is a Research Professor at Cornell University. Gender is integral to the agricultural innovation process, from technology development to access to inputs that shape technology adoption. Through examples from crop improvement, the talk will explore frameworks and approaches for inclusive design, innovative tools and methods that integrate crop improvement and gender research.

Sunday, 27 Mar 2022

Malaysian Cultural Night

Mar 27, 2022

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Student Activities Diversity Student activities

"Balik Kampung: Back to Hometown." Experience traditional cultural performances, including a play and the Lion Dance, and enjoy authentic Malaysian food. Presented by the Ames Student Association for Malaysians student organization. Tickets available online.

Thursday, 31 Mar 2022

Climate Change in Iowa

Mar 31, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Live Green

William (Bill) Gutowski, climate scientist and professor in the ISU department of geological and atmospheric sciences, will explain why climate scientists should not just say what should be done, but instead work together with fellow community members to co-investigate and co-develop the knowledge about and actions for climate change.