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What is featured?

Wednesday, 06 Apr 2022

Protecting Human Research Subjects

Apr 06, 2022

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM



Research Training, development

Participants will discuss risk in human subjects research and approaches for minimizing or mitigating risk. We'll also examine confidentiality and data security measures to protect research subjects.

Thursday, 07 Apr 2022

Subrecipient Monitoring

Apr 07, 2022

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Campanile Room, Memorial Union


Research Training, development

Collaborations with subrecipients are an essential part of research, but how do we properly manage subrecipients? Join OSPA and SPA as we examine the Uniform Guidance's expanded requirements for subrecipient monitoring on federal financial assistance awards.This training will enhance your understanding of how subrecipient collaborations work and will prepare you to meet the Uniform Guidance's requirements for subrecipient monitoring.

Monday, 18 Apr 2022

IRB Special Topics: Research with Secondary Data

Apr 18, 2022

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM



Research Training, development

So you know you can't begin collecting your research data before getting IRB approval, but what about using secondary data? Join us for this in-depth discussion about secondary data. This session is most useful for attendees who have completed IRB 101 or have basic knowledge of IRB principles and processes.