Tuesday, 04 Oct 2022
Pitch Workshop
Craft your 90-second elevator pitch for the upcoming pitch competitions at Iowa State & beyond! Throughout the workshop, you'll learn how to quickly and effectively tell your story to any audience.
Friday, 07 Oct 2022
Cyday Friday Walk
Celebrate Cyday Friday with a one-mile walk on campus and look for a chance to win prizes. You are welcome to walk the route at your own pace. Preregister (free) to be eligible for prize drawings.
Monday, 10 Oct 2022
Startup Pitch Competition: First Round
Students from every college are invited to deliver a 90-second pitch about an idea or business they are working on to a panel of judges to potentially win cash prizes. In addition to a cash prize, the top three winners in each category -- new idea and existing business -- will advance to the Fall Startup Pitch Finale on Oct. 13.
Tuesday, 11 Oct 2022
Startup Pitch Competition: First Round
Students from every college are invited to deliver a 90-second pitch about an idea or business they are working on to a panel of judges to potentially win cash prizes. In addition to a cash prize, the top three winners in each category -- new idea and existing business -- will advance to the Fall Startup Pitch Finale on Oct. 13.
Thursday, 13 Oct 2022
Startup Pitch Competition: Finale
Students from every college are invited to deliver a 90-second pitch about an idea or business they are working on to a panel of judges to potentially win cash prizes. In addition to a cash prize, the top three winners in each category -- new idea and existing business -- will advance to the Fall Startup Pitch Finale on Oct. 13.
Saturday, 15 Oct 2022
Bacon Expo
Along with innovative bacon treats, attendees will enjoy live entertainment and educational displays about the pork industry.
Wednesday, 19 Oct 2022
CALS Study Abroad Fair
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Study Abroad Fair offers a variety of resources, including information about programs and financial aid.
Reception: SheTalks
Following the Women Who Create Conference, he public is invited to the uniquely inspiring SheTalks event: a community cocktail reception featuring six women who are creatively leading in their distinct fields. Taken from the Japanese-inspired Pecha Kucha, each presenter shows 20 slides, each for 20 seconds while telling their story. Registration (free) requested. Networking begins at 4:30 p.m., followed by the presentations (5-6:30 p.m.).
Reception: SheTalks
Six women entrepreneurs will tell their stories in short "Women Who Create" presentations. This cocktail event follows the Women Who Create Conference. Registration (free) requested.
Reception for Studies in Creativity Student Exhibit
Celebrate students that had artwork accepted into this juried exhibit, and hear comments from the juror.
Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022
Retirement reception: Rose Wilbanks
Rose Wilbanks, senior executive assistant for the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, is retiring after 22 years of service to Iowa State.
Thursday, 27 Oct 2022
Candidate forum: VP for ISU Extension and Outreach
Candidates names will be made public one business day before their visit. Each will meet with faculty and staff, visit a county extension office, and hold an open forum on the first day of their visit. Open forums will be live streamed for staff in the County offices; links will be made available with the announcement of each candidate. The sessions also will be recorded and made available after all the finalist visits are completed.
Monday, 31 Oct 2022
Lunch and Learn: Start Something at Iowa State
"Start This, Start That ... Start Something at Iowa State," an informational luncheon about the university's startup programs and resources for graduate students, faculty and staff. Learn how to move your technology through the university into a new venture and get connected to available resources. Lunch is free; registration is requested.
Candidate forum: VP for ISU Extension and Outreach
Candidates names will be made public one business day before their visit. Each will meet with faculty and staff, visit a county extension office, and hold an open forum on the first day of their visit. Open forums will be live streamed for staff in the County offices; links will be made available with the announcement of each candidate. The sessions also will be recorded and made available after all the finalist visits are completed.
Philosophy and Religious Studies: Halloween party
Interested in majoring in Philosophy or Religious Studies? Currently studying Philosophy or Religious Studies? Ready to meet students and faculty interested in Philosophy and Religious Studies? Join us for free pizza and candy at our annual departmental Halloween party. ISU students who come dressed in an academic-themed costume -- preferably with a connection to philosophy and religious studies -- receive a prize.