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What is featured?

Thursday, 27 Oct 2022

Caterpillar Club

Oct 27, 2022

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Reiman Gardens

Free for Members, ISU Students. Free with admission for General Public.

Reiman Gardens

Join us outdoors weekly for our popular Early Childhood Development program featuring stories followed by nature exploration and activities. Best for children ages 2-5 with an adult. No registration required.

Candidate forum: VP for ISU Extension and Outreach

Oct 27, 2022

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

202 Carver Hall


University Meetings, receptions

Candidates names will be made public one business day before their visit. Each will meet with faculty and staff, visit a county extension office, and hold an open forum on the first day of their visit. Open forums will be live streamed for staff in the County offices; links will be made available with the announcement of each candidate. The sessions also will be recorded and made available after all the finalist visits are completed.

Current Issues in Ag Policy with Bill Northey

Oct 27, 2022

3:30 PM

127 Curtiss


Lecture Series Lectures

Bill Northey farmed for mover 35 years. Bill served as president of the Iowa and National Cor Growers Association, as Iowa Secretary of Agriculture from 2007-2018, as USDA Under Secretary 2018-2021, and now as CEO of the Agribusiness Association of Iowa.

Intermediate Glass Beads Workshop w/ Rhonda Scott

Oct 27, 2022

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $35/Public $45

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Take your bead skills to the next level! Learn to create "twisties" - special rods of glass made by melting and twisting multiple colors together. Next, make colorful, complex beads using your new twistie rods.

Cyclone Cinema: Nope

Oct 27, 2022

7:00 PM

Carver 101


Memorial Union programs Student activities

Cyclone Cinema is presented by the Student Union Board and showcases a variety of film genres, screening a different movie every weekend Thursday - Sunday during the semester. Sunday film screenings are in open caption format. All other screenings can be open caption as well, as long as the request is made to the staff prior to the movie starting.

Please Stop Saving Us: Rebuilding After Western "Interventions" in Africa

Oct 27, 2022

7:30 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Live Green

For anyone interested in being a "change agent" in a complex world, this talk highlights how even the most harmless-looking social programs can have far-reaching negative consequences for the unwary or unprepared, regardless of how good the intentions may be. Eriel Haung is the director of the Mangaung Strings Programme headquartered in Bloemfontein, a public-private music education initiative reaching more than 250 children.

Performance: Riding Atlas w/ Display Case

Oct 27, 2022

8:00 PM

Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union

$10 ($6 w/ ISU Student ID) in advance | $2 increase day of show

Memorial Union programs Arts, performances Student activities

Riding Atlas is a multi-album, nationally performing, alternative rock powerhouse. Originally based out of the Quad Cities and now located in Ames, IA, the trio, consisting of brothers Nick and Joe, and their friend Sam, have performed at numerous festivals and clubs around the country.