Thursday, 01 Dec 2022
Art Mart Holiday Sale
The annual holiday art sale at the Memorial Union will be held from November 30 - December 3. Hours are Wednesday 4-7pm, Thursday 10am-4pm, Friday noon-8pm and Saturday 10am-1pm. The event features one-of-a-kind gifts from our campus community of artists that are perfect for the holidays. The Memorial Union is located at 2229 Lincoln Way on the Iowa State campus, and hourly parking is available in the ramp on the east side of the building.
University Library: The International Nest
Chat with librarians about the end of the semester. Bring a friend for an informal, friendly monthly social gathering in the International Nest. It's a great opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy conversations, and feel get connected with the library.
Cyclone Cinema: Don't Worry Darling
Cyclone Cinema is presented by the Student Union Board and showcases a variety of film genres, screening a different movie every weekend Thursday - Sunday during the semester. Sunday film screenings are in open caption format. All other screenings can be open caption as well, as long as the request is made to the staff prior to the movie starting.