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Tuesday, 26 Sep 2023

Epergnes and Other Things: Elements of the Victorian Dinner Table with Etiquetteer Robert B. Dimmick

Sep 26, 2023

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Virtual on Zoom


University Museums Arts, performances Lectures

Join etiquette expert Etiquetteer Robert B. Dimmick and curator Adrienne Gennett discussing how a Victorian dinner party would have been conducted.

When a Dream Dies: Iowa's Experience of the Farm Crisis of the 1980s

Sep 26, 2023

6:00 PM

2630 Memorial Union

Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Live Green

Pamela Riney-Kehrberg is Distinguished Professor of History at ISU, and a Fellow of the Agricultural History Society. Her lecture, based on her book of the same title, will explore the trauma the people of Iowa faced in the 1980s when two-thirds of its farmers were in distress, and half of those were in imminent danger of foreclosure.