Performance: The Peking Acrobats

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Date/Time:Sunday, 08 Feb 2009 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Cost:Adults $37, $33; Youth $20; ISU Students $20
Contact:Sara Compton
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity
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The Peking Acrobats, a troupe of China's most gifted tumblers, contortionists, jugglers, cyclists and gymnasts, bring their 2,000-year-old traditional arts to Stephens Auditorium.

The Peking Acrobats, a troupe of China's most gifted tumblers, contortionists, jugglers, cyclists and gymnasts, bring their 2,000-year-old traditional arts to Stephens Auditorium.

Perhaps best-known for their daring maneuvers atop a precarious pagoda of chairs, the Peking Acrobats also showcase their expertise in treacherous wire-walking, trick-cycling, and precision tumbling. They defy gravity with amazing displays of contortion, flexibility, and control. Pushing the envelope of human possibility, the Peking Acrobats delight audiences who are astonished by their juggling dexterity and incredible balancing feats.