Lecture: Socially responsible design

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 04 Feb 2009 at 7:30 pm
Location:Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design
Channel:Lecture Series
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"Socially Responsible Industrial Design," Ricardo Gomes, San Francisco State University. The former Fulbright scholar also runs the Design Center for Global Needs.

Ricardo Gomes is an advocate for culturally relevant and socially responsible design. He runs the Design Center for Global Needs, a nonprofit international research and development center that promotes design solutions to such issues as health care, the aging, community development and sustainability. A former Fulbright Scholar in Kenya, his experience has included design for developing countries and sustainable design. Gomes is professor and chair of the Department of Design and Industry at San Francisco State University. He received his MFA in Industrial Design for Low-Income Economies from the University of California, Los Angeles. Part of the College of Design 30th Anniversary Celebration.

Cosponsored By:
College of Design
Design Council
Engineers for a Sustainable World
Committee on Lectures (funded by GSB)