Lecture: Global competitiveness

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 04 Mar 2009 at 7:00 pm
Location:Great Hall, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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"Global Competitiveness," John Israelsson, Sandvik Coromant USA, the world's leading manufacturer of cutting tools for the metalworking industry.

John Israelsson is president of Sandvik Coromant USA, the world's leading manufacturer of cutting tools for the metalworking industry, with more than 25,000 products produced in 60 countries around the world. Sandvik Coromant spends a great deal of time training customers to reduce manufacturing costs by improving the process in factories. Manufacturing companies all over the world face the same problem - the widening gap between what the market is willing to pay and the cost of production. Bridging this gap is the only way to stay competitive and - ultimately - to stay in business.