Gallery Talk: "Waste Land"

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Date/Time:Sunday, 08 Feb 2009 at 2:00 pm
Location:Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman Building
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Arts, performances Lectures
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"Waste Land: Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape," David Hanson, photographer. He will discuss his "Waste Land" series, while exploring the relationship between humans and nature in America. Several of Hanson's photos are featured in the Brunnier exhibition, "Imaging a Shattered Earth: Contemporary Photography and the Environmental Debate."

Hanson's photographs portray some of the hidden environmental hazards of the United States-chemical wastes, the exhausted land resulting from coal mining, and various other consequences of industrialization and militarization.

The Waste Land series is composed of triptychs, each work consisting of a geological survey map, an aerial photograph taken by Hanson, and a description of the site supplied by the Environmental Protection Agency. These works expose the most polluted places in the United States, sites first corrupted by industrialization, then neglected by legislators.

Part of the 5th Annual Symposium on Wildness, Wilderness & the Creative Imagination.

This program is co-sponsored by the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities, University Museums and the Bioethics Program.