Belly Dance Focus with Lisa Rich McKelvey (Shiara)

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 31 Jan 2012 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Location:Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union
Cost:$60 ISU/$70 Public
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:The Workspace
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Explore different belly dance styles, learn advanced concepts and include the use of dance props when appropriate.

Special topics such as folkloric style dance, oriental style dance, Middle Eastern rhythms and creating choreography rotate every semester to allow students an opportunity to continue to learn and grow as artists. This spring we will focus on transforming your dance - tools to become a better belly dancer!
Prerequisite: completion of Shiara's fundamentals class or invitation by instructor.

Meets Tuesdays beginning January 31 for 8 weeks (No class March 13)