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Date/Time:Friday, 19 Apr 2013 at 6:00 pm
Location:Molecular Biology Parking Lot
Cost:$15 for Friday only, $20 for Friday & Saturday through April 18
Contact:George Micalone
Channel:Student Engagement
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Bands include: Easton Corbin (Country), Jana Kramer (Country), Kris Allen (Pop Rock), Andrew Allen (Pop), Clayton Anderson (Country), A Ray (Country). Concert scheduled to end at 2am.

Tickets for Friday and Saturday night concerts will be sold separately until April 19 at 4pm. A

Anyone with a valid Iowa State University ID # can purchase up to five tickets total for both nights at $20 per ticket or an individual night at $15 per ticket.

April 19 and 20 (concert nights), tickets will be $20 per night, available onsite only, with no discount for purchasing both nights.

ISU alumni may purchase tickets by contacting Beth Lott with the ISU Alumni Association

blott (at) iastate (dot) edu

Tickets will be exchanged for wristbands at the concert site. Concerts will be held at the outdoor venue, rain or shine, and tickets are nonrefundable. Some prohibited items include, but are not limited to: bags, backpacks, drinks and weapons.