Department of Defense Grantsmanship Workshop with Hanover Research

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Date/Time:Monday, 03 May 2021 from 1:00 am to 2:30 am
Categories:Training, development
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Sarah Ott, Senior Grants Consultant with Hanover Research, will guide participants through external funding opportunities available through the Department of Defense (DoD). The workshop will focus on the major DoD research interests, selecting an appropriate DoD target, how to contact and engage a DoD program manager, and general guidance on the submission and review of DoD pre-proposals.

Take advantage of this great opportunity to gain information about the DoD programs available and ask questions of a grant consultant with over a decade of experience. Hanover Research is a global research and grant development firm that works with higher education institutions to pursue external funding for research and scholarship.

This is targeted towards faculty with an interest in applying for Department of Defense funding opportunities.

Register here!