Photoshop I: Beginners

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Date/Time:Monday, 24 Sep 2012 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location:The Workspace, Iowa State Memorial Union
Cost:ISU $25/Public $35
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:The Workspace
Categories:Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Explore the basic tools in Photoshop, learn how they work and what they can do. This will be a slower paced, step by step, follow along class. Review tools, layers, and other complicated things that many beginners may not know exist. Discover how to find them and when it is best to use them.

Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop with Photoshop CS3 or higher. Otherwise you may sit in and take notes on our handouts following the projected tutorials.
Mondays beginning September 24, 6 - 8pm for 4 weeks
pre-registration recommended