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Friday, 16 Apr 2021

Virtual Workshop: You Can't Say That! Cancel Culture and the First Amendment

Apr 16, 2021

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

Examine the challenges and opportunities provided by free expression. Led by First Amendment experts from the state, three workshop sessions use current events to engage a dialogue with national scholars. This session will be led by Andrea Frantz, Buena Vista University, and Frank LoMonte, Director of the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, University of Florida. A First Amendment Days event.

Virtual Workshop: You Can't Say That! Cancel Culture and the First Amendment

Apr 16, 2021

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

Examine the challenges and opportunities provided by free expression. Led by First Amendment experts from the state, three workshop sessions use current events to engage a dialogue with national scholars. Registration is required. This session will be led by Andrea Frantz, Buena Vista University, and Frank LoMonte, Director of the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, University of Florida. A First Amendment Days event.

Virtual Workshop: Free Assembly in a Time of Polarization

Apr 16, 2021

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

Examine the challenges and opportunities provided by free expression. Led by First Amendment experts from the state, three workshop sessions use current events to engage a dialogue with national scholars. Registration is required. This session will be led by Brian Steffen, Simpson College, Mark Stringer, ACLU of Iowa, Pam Parry, Southeast Missouri State, and Ken Paulson, Middle Tennessee State University. A First Amendment Days event.

Virtual Workshop: Making Free Speech an Ally on Campus

Apr 16, 2021

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

Examine the challenges and opportunities provided by free expression. Led by First Amendment experts from the state, three workshop sessions use current events to engage a dialogue with national scholars. Registration is required. This session will be led by Julie Roosa, Iowa State University, Nadine Strossen, New York University Law School, and Gene Policinski, Freedom Forum Institute, First Amendment Center. A First Amendment Days event.

Student Discussion: Raise Your Voice

Apr 16, 2021

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

"Raise Your Voice" documentary director and producer Maribeth Romslo and First Amendment advocate Mary Beth Tinker will participate in a two-part, live discussion about the power of social movements through youth free speech in America. A First Amendment Days event for high school and Iowa State students. Register in advance.

Student Discussion: Raise Your Voice

Apr 16, 2021

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM



College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures Student activities

"Raise Your Voice" documentary director and producer Maribeth Romslo and First Amendment advocate Mary Beth Tinker will participate in a two-part, live discussion about the power of social movements through youth free speech in America. A First Amendment Days event for high school and Iowa State students. Register in advance.

Ignite Innovation Virtual Showcase

Apr 16, 2021

4:30 PM



Student Innovation Center Conferences Lectures

"Innovation Happens Here," join us for the inaugural Ignite Innovation Showcase, a virtual series of events celebrating the energy of innovation blazing across the Iowa State campus.