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Thursday, 04 Mar 2021

Web talk, The influence of kindness and community in broadening participation (SABER)

Mar 04, 2021

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

online only - via Zoom, Arizona State University’s HHMI Inclusive Excellence Project, & more

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Diversity Training, development

African Americans, Latinas/Latinos, and Native Americans are people historically excluded because of their ethnicity and race (PEER) in academia and underrepresented among Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) degree earners and career pathways. Why do we stay and why do we go?

Thursday, 18 Mar 2021

Web talk, Systemic disadvantages for LGBTQ professionals in STEM (SABER)

Mar 18, 2021

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

online only - via Zoom, Arizona State University’s HHMI Inclusive Excellence Project, & more

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Diversity Training, development

Researchers have documented race and gender bias in STEM for decades, but there has been little parallel examination of LGBTQ status as an axis of inequality. How do LGBTQ-identifying STEM professionals fare in STEM? Drawing on the NSF-funded STEM Inclusion Study data of over 25,000 STEM workers, Dr. Cech will discuss her recent study of LGBTQ inequality among STEM professionals.