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What is featured?

Monday, 13 Apr 2015

Health Screenings

Apr 13, 2015

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Cardinal Room, Memorial Union


College of Health and Human Sciences Student activities

Students in kinesiology's HS380 class will conduct free health screenings (blood pressure and body composition) on April 13, 14 and 15.

Walk-In Craft: Scarf Dyeing

Apr 13, 2015

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union


The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Dye a silk or cotton scarf with patterns and variations in tones. Choose from two natural dyes - Indigo which makes vibrant blue or kamala which makes golden yellow.

Understanding the Religious and Spiritual Lives of College-Age Americans

Apr 13, 2015

7:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

"Souls in Transition," Christian Smith, professor of sociology and director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Supple Lecture Series