Monday, 01 Oct 2018
Online event, Addressing Implicit Bias in STEM (CIRTLCast Series)
How can an evidence-based approach to implicit bias promote greater equity and inclusion within STEM teaching and learning? Join us on Mondays in October to explore this question in depth alongside future faculty from all disciplines, levels, and roles within STEM.
Online event, How Pervasive Is Implicit Bias in STEM? (CIRTLCast Series - Part 1 of 4)
While the current bodies of literature on implicit bias are extensive, fewer studies focus on its scope in STEM teaching and learning. In the first session of this CIRTLCast series, invited speakers will discuss the prevalence of implicit bias in STEM, particularly in the context of higher education. We will define and discuss key terms, such as equity, oppression, privilege, and microaggressions.
Talk: Evaluating teaching effectiveness, Improving Faculty Evaluations
What defines effective teaching, and how do we measure it? These questions are critically important to the teaching mission and to faculty careers. The ISU Faculty Handbook states that "When teaching is part of the faculty assignment, effectiveness is an essential criterion for advancement." CELT will be hosting two nationally recognized scholars who will share their research on Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness, with particular focus on:
Tuesday, 02 Oct 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Assignments and Quizzes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore assignment and assessment options in Canvas.
Thursday, 04 Oct 2018
3-Part Series: Sketchnoting for Visual Note Taking and more
Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, Assistant Professor of Industrial Design will show you the essentials of Sketchnoting, a pattern-based notetaking strategy that actively engages learners.
Grad Students: Everything you need to know about the Library
Grad Students: Learn how to find dissertations, influential research articles and important journals in your subject area! Find out who is your subject librarian, and learn about Library services that can help facilitate your research and writing! Let us know if you need accommodation. Preregistration required at Learn@ISU.
Center for Excellence in Arts and Humanities Fall Welcome Back Event
The Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities would like to welcome back our faculty in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Enjoy a cocktail and refreshments with your colleagues (and meet new ones).
Friday, 05 Oct 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
Research workshop: Working with IACUC Protocols Using a-tune
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Saturday, 06 Oct 2018
Workshop: CELT Accessibility Awareness Week: Hands-on accessibility - Headings
Participants will work on adding headings to documents using Microsoft Word. A course syllabus would be a great document to bring for this workshop, however any document will work.
Monday, 08 Oct 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Group Work and Collaboration
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore options for group work and collaboration in Canvas.
Online event, How Can We Identify Implicit Biases in Ourselves and Others? (CIRTLCast Series - Part 2 of 4)
Most often, implicit bias is subtle and unconscious, both of which pose challenges to fostering awareness. The STEM community's resistance to evidence of implicit bias compounds these challenges further (Handley, Brown, Moss-Racusin, & Smith, 2015).
Research workshop: Navigating Your Research with Human Subjects: The IRB Submission Process - Part I
This is the first session in a four-part series that looks more closely at the components of the IRB submission process. In this session, you will learn how to determine whether IRB oversight is required for your project. We'll also explain the various levels of IRB review (Exempt, Expedited, Full Committee).
Tuesday, 09 Oct 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Rubrics and Outcomes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore rubrics and outcomes and how they work together in Canvas.
Award-Winning Faculty Series: Multiple Modalities and Top Hat: Mixing methods for learning (Shannon Hostetter)
Shannon Hostetter, Associate Professor, Veterinary Pathology, Early Achievement in Teaching awardee, shares how she has blended lecture and case-based learning in her classroom so students can choose the modality that is most effective for them.
Research workshop: Working with IACUC Protocols Using a-tune
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Research workshop: Post-award Actions 101
Learn the basics about post-award actions and the most frequently asked questions. We'll talk about how to request a PI change, who can submit a no-cost extension request, who really needs to sign a revised Goldsheet, and other useful information about budgeting and managing award changes. Our goal is to help you learn how to save time and navigate these processes quickly and efficiently.
Wednesday, 10 Oct 2018
Award-Winning Faculty Series: Authentic Problems: What to do when learners just aren't getting it? (Monica Lamm)
Monica Lamm, Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Outstanding Achievement in Teaching awardee, uses ill-structured problems in her upper-level classes. Sometimes, these problem-solving exercises do not go according to plan.
Thursday, 11 Oct 2018
Workshop, Flexible Faculty Policies: Why They Matter, How They Work
This workshop will focus on the flexible faculty policies available that help foster the continued success of our faculty. Policies to be covered include part-time tenure track, extension of the tenure clock, arrival of a child and how the Faculty Modified Duties Assignment policy can be of assistance, as well as how these intersect with other HR policies and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Register online.
Friday, 12 Oct 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Personalized Learning and Mastery Plans
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore how a personalized learning and mastery path can enhance your course in Canvas.
Seminar: ISU Online Learning Community (ISU-OLC)
The purpose of the ISU-OLC is to share campus best practices to improve online teaching and learning; see how others are using the University Learning Management System (LMS) to create innovative learning experiences, inform the campus about existing and new web-based instructional technologies, participate in new technology testing and evaluation; as well as, to leverage LMS expertise, experience and training resources across campus.
Monday, 15 Oct 2018
Workshop: CELT Accessibility Awareness Week: Hands-On Accessibility - Captions
Participants will work on adding captions to the videos in their online course materials using Arc (Canvas video tool) and YouTube.
Workshop: Preparing Effective Nominations for Faculty Awards
Gain insights into the best practices of successful nominations and how to avoid the most common errors and pitfalls in your preparation. Register via Learn@ISU.
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
Tuesday, 16 Oct 2018
Workshop: CELT Accessibility Awareness Week: Hands-On Accessibility - Headings
Participants will work on adding headings to documents using Microsoft Word. Any document will work, however a course syllabus would be a great document for this workshop.
Research workshop: IRBManager End-user Training
Learn how to navigate the new electronic IRBManager system, what the submission process looks like, how to submit IRB protocols for review and how to access your IRB-approved materials. Graduate students, postdocs and research faculty would benefit most from attending, but all are welcome.
Award-Winning Faculty Series: How Can I Do This Better Next Time Around? Implementing backward design in your classroom (Stacey Weber-Feve)
Associate Professor Stacey Weber-Feve, World Languages and Cultures, Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching awardee, shares how she uses research on learning as a blueprint for her class. She designs course work in both Canvas and in the traditional classroom to help students go beyond content and engage in more active styles of learning and critical thinking.
Hands-on Demo: Iowa Geographic Map Server
Today is Earth Observation Day. The Iowa Geographic Map Server, a browser-based website that hosts statewide imagery, is one of the most robust, publicly available, spatial imagery datasets in the country. The presentation will highlight recent innovations to it, including an updated interface and new features and image services.
Build Your Canvas Course - Course Design Basics
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the basics of course building in Canvas.
Research: Story Collider Show
The Office of the Vice President for Research is hosting an evening of food, drink, fun and storytelling. "The Story Collider" gives scientists a platform from which to share how science has shaped their lives. Five Iowa State faculty were selected to participate.