Thursday, 06 Dec 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This one and a half hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
Research workshop: Human Research Basics: Best Practices for a Successful IRB Submission - Part 4
This is the final installation of a four-part series that looks more closely at the components of the IRB submission process. In this session, attendees will learn about best practices and receive tips for ensuring a smooth IRB review process.
Workshop: Turning your scholarly teaching into Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Scholarly teaching focuses on student learning and is grounded in the subject matter being taught, and in the implementation of effective pedagogies. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) involves framing a research question related to student learning and systematically investigating it.
Research workshop: IRBManager End-user Training
Learn how to navigate the new electronic IRBManager system, what the submission process looks like, how to submit IRB protocols for review and how to access your IRB-approved materials. Graduate students, postdocs and research faculty would benefit most from attending, but all are welcome.