Monday, 01 Apr 2019
Seminar series: Interpersonal Communication
Part III: Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones and Words Will Never Hurt Me: Verbal Messages
Tuesday, 02 Apr 2019
Faculty Forum: Workday and Improved Service Delivery
The forum provides faculty members with a targeted look at how Workday and improved service delivery (ISD) will impact their teaching, research and extension work. Five sessions of the same faculty forum are scheduled. A breakout session of table topics will follow brief opening remarks. Bring your questions. Registration is free.
Research workshop: Human Research Basics -- Best Practices for a Successful IRB Session
This is the final installation of a four-part series that looks more closely at the components of the IRB submission process. In this session, attendees will learn about best practices and receive tips for ensuring a smooth IRB review process.
Copyright in the Classroom: Guidelines for Instructors
"Have you ever wondered what "Fair Use" really means? In this workshop, representatives from the University Library and University Counsel will use real-life scenarios to help you navigate topics such as Fair Use, the TEACH Act, copyright support on campus, and more! Register through Learn @ ISU, Keyword:LIB. Let us know if you need accommodation.
Wednesday, 03 Apr 2019
Research workshop: Principal Investigator Transfers and Revised Goldsheets (Session 1)
OSPA, OIPTT and SPA will present on tips and tricks to make your life as a research administrator as easy as possible if a PI leaves before the end of the year. Whether you're dealing with research awards from federal agencies, industry, non-profits, universities or independent sponsors, you'll learn: 1)What steps you and your PI should take as research at Iowa State draws to a close and 2)how to apply for affiliate status here at Iowa State.
Faculty Forum: Workday and Improved Service Delivery
The forum provides faculty members with a targeted look at how Workday and improved service delivery (ISD) will impact their teaching, research and extension work. Five sessions of the same forum are scheduled. A breakout session of table topics will follow brief opening remarks. Bring your questions. Registration is free.
Escape from Spreadsheet Hell
There's no escaping spreadsheets but you can escape spreadsheet hell! This workshop will cover best practices for set-up, formatting, and formats as well as tips for avoiding common pit-falls in Excel. Register through Learn@ISU, keyword: LIB. Let us know if you need accommodation.
Seminar series: Interpersonal Communication
Part IV: It's Not What You Said; It's How You Said It: Nonverbal Communication
Thursday, 04 Apr 2019
Research workshop: The IRB Submission Process (Session 4)
In this session you will learn tips on developing and submitting protocols to the IRB. A member of IRB staff will walk through key sections of the non-exempt IRB application and explain what the IRB looks for during the review process. Sign up for one of the several dates we have scheduled throughout the year.
Research workshop: Principal Investigator Transfers and Revised Goldsheets (Session 2)
OSPA, OIPTT and SPA will present on tips and tricks to make your life as a research administrator as easy as possible if a PI leaves before the end of the year. Whether you're dealing with research awards from federal agencies, industry, non-profits, universities or independent sponsors, you'll learn: 1)What steps you and your PI should take as research at Iowa State draws to a close and 2)how to apply for affiliate status here at Iowa State.
Friday, 05 Apr 2019
Annual conference: Iowa Women in Higher Education
A women's leadership event focused on developing female leaders for higher education. A preconference workshop on negotiation will be held April 4 (2:30-6:30 p.m.). Register online for both.
Saturday, 06 Apr 2019
Workshop: Morel mushroom certification
To legally sell morel mushrooms in Iowa, sellers must complete a certification workshop that covers identifying morels and false morels. People can be poisoned by eating mushrooms that are misidentified as morels. By the end of the workshops, participants will recognize true morels from false morels. Register online.
Monday, 08 Apr 2019
Seminar series: Interpersonal Communication
Part V: It Takes Two: Conflict Management
Tuesday, 09 Apr 2019
Research workshop: Working with IACUC or IBC Protocols Using a-tune
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Wednesday, 10 Apr 2019
Research workshop: FY19 IRB Regulations - 2018 Common Rule
Revised regulations governing the protection of human research subjects and IRB review (i.e., The Common Rule) went into effect Jan. 21, 2019. Learn about updates to the 2018 Common Rule related to IRB regulations.
Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon: Digital Humanities in Practice
Digital Humanities has been one of the most ubiquitous phrases on university campuses for a number of years. This workshop will put a practical and pedagogical face to the phrase, by introducing the concept of a Wikipedia "Edit-a-Thon." Register through Learn@ISU, keyword: LIB. Let us know if you need accommodation.
Seminar series: Interpersonal Communication
Part VI: Small Talk That Takes You Big Places: Social Communication
Monday, 15 Apr 2019
Research workshop: USDA Proposal Development (Session 1)
In this session you will learn about USDA and USDA NIFA-specific requirements, including indirect cost limitations, cost-share requirements, and other agency-specific forms. You'll walk away with some tips and tricks for dealing with common proposal development issues, and you'll have some useful resources to help you through the proposal development process. Come prepared with your pre-award and proposal development questions!
Tuesday, 16 Apr 2019
Research workshop: USDA Proposal Development (Session 2)
In this session you will learn about USDA and USDA NIFA-specific requirements, including indirect cost limitations, cost-share requirements, and other agency-specific forms. You'll walk away with some tips and tricks for dealing with common proposal development issues, and you'll have some useful resources to help you through the proposal development process. Come prepared with your pre-award and proposal development questions!
Workshop: Faculty with Multiple Identities as Strategic Agents to Institutional Change
Nancy "Rusty" Barceló, special assistant for diversity, equity and inclusion to the chancellor of the University of Illinois and an expert on institutional change, will share her professional journey as a Chicana administrator and change agent at the highest levels of academia. This workshop will be repeated today, 1-2:30 p.m. Registration requested.
Engaged Scholar meeting
"PiLR Health and Technology Applications for Health Programming," Jon Moon, owner, MEI Technologies, and developer of PiLR Health. Sessions are also available via Zoom.
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2019
Research: National Institutes of Health Proposal Workshop
Dr. Norbert Tavares, program manager at the NIH-NCI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives and a 2017-19 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellow, will present a one-hour seminar about NIH funding mechanisms, common things to know, available tools and more. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation.
Friday, 19 Apr 2019
Ready to Run Iowa
Ready to Run Iowa is a nonpartisan campaign training program to encourage women to run for elective office, position themselves for appointive office, work on a campaign or become involved in public life as leaders in their respective communities. Registration is required.
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2019
Research workshop: Working with IACUC or IBC Protocols Using a-tune
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Wednesday, 24 Apr 2019
Research networking event: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Meet other faculty on campus working in the area of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI). New collaborations could lead to several federal funding opportunities in this area.
Thursday, 25 Apr 2019
Research workshop: IRBManager End-user Training
Learn how to navigate the new electronic IRBManager system, what the submission process looks like, how to submit IRB protocols for review and how to access your IRB-approved materials.
Tuesday, 30 Apr 2019
Research workshop: Post-award Actions 201 (Session 1)
Take a deeper dive into post-award actions in our 201 session. This will be an interactive conversation where you can get answers to your questions and advice on how to handle unique situations with specific federal sponsors. You'll leave with some useful tools and resources you can use to be more efficient in your day-to-day work.