Wednesday, 02 Feb 2022
Workshop: Genealogy 101
"Genealogy 101: Researching Your Family History," learn what resources are available through the ISU Library, Ames Public Library, and other local history organizations. Registration required for in-person and online seats.
Thursday, 03 Feb 2022
IRB 101: Navigating the IRB Submission Process
In this session you will learn tips on developing and submitting protocols to the IRB. A member of IRB staff will walk through key sections of the IRB application and explain what the IRB looks for during the review process.
Tuesday, 08 Feb 2022
Workshop: Introduction to Patent Searching
Learn the basics of patent searching: the key components of patent documents that are useful for searching, types of patent search (and when you really do need a lawyer), free search tools, and basic strategies for finding relevant patents. Registration required.
Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022
Workshop: Intro to Data Management Plans
Learn basic concepts and tools for better data management and will demonstrate why data management plans are an important part of the research planning process. Registration required.
Thursday, 17 Feb 2022
Virtual Forum: Open Scholar Cafe
Open Scholar Cafes are online monthly meetings for the ISU community to talk #OpenResearch. All experience levels are welcome, and each forum will cover a new topic of interest. Join us to learn, talk, and collaborate. Registration is free.
Postponed - Award-Winning Seminar Series: Haptic Learning: Facilitating critical thinking
Rob Whitehead, associate professor of architecture, Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Awardee, will share how he uses haptic learning to teach concept before calculations. Students in Rob's classrooms build and break models to problem-solve using critical thinking skills by applying disciplinary theories.
Wednesday, 23 Feb 2022
Does my study require IRB oversight?
In this session, you will learn how to determine whether IRB oversight is required for your project. We'll also examine the various levels of IRB review (Exempt, Expedited, Full Committee).
Thursday, 24 Feb 2022
10 Tips to Create an Accessible Canvas Course (UDL)
CELT's 10 tips to Improve Accessibility in your Canvas Course will identify tools and strategies to create an inclusive Canvas learning environment for all students. Learn to proactively develop course content that is accessible for students with disabilities, assistive technology-friendly, and easily navigated by all learners.
PI Departure/Change and Revised GoldSheets
If you have a PI leaving before the next school year, this training is for you. OSPA, OIPTT, and SPA will present on tips and tricks to make your life as a research administrator as easy as possible during this chaotic time.
Monday, 28 Feb 2022
Trigger Warnings: Methods and best practices
Join Michael Bugeja, Distinguished Professor (LAS), as he shares his practices and views about trigger warnings. He disputes the conventional wisdom of "avoidance rationale" as teachers who use such warnings typically tackle the difficult topics. He also rebuts methodologies of studies that show trigger warnings are ineffective and provides guidelines that not only respect students' well-being but also result in enhanced teaching practices.