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What is featured?

Thursday, 02 Nov 2023

Are Students Reading the Textbook?: Where AI and Learning Science Meet

Nov 02, 2023

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Online, register using RSVP on CELT event page


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Join Dr. Rachel VanCampenhout (VitalSource) for a presentation on research surrounding the effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) within digital textbooks in teaching and learning.

Workshop: Better Data Management in 30 Minutes

Nov 02, 2023

2:10 PM - 2:40 PM

199 Parks Library


University Library Training, development

This short workshop will teach you 5 things you can do now to save yourself a headache. No prior experience required. Bring a pen, paper, and maybe your laptop.

Workshop: Getting Started with LaTex and Overleaf

Nov 02, 2023

2:10 PM - 3:25 PM

134 Parks Library


University Library Training, development

LaTeX is a powerful typesetting language often used for writing theses, dissertations, or peer-reviewed journal articles. This hands-on workshop uses the Overleaf editor to demonstrate the basics of LaTeX. Attendees will work through examples, experiment with common features, and take away a list of additional resources that can be used after the workshop to explore further.