Wednesday, 06 Mar 2024
Digital Projects in the Active Learning Classroom
Are you interested in digital, collaborative student projects? Is your classroom an active learning space? Have you considered working with librarians to use the Catalyst as a collaborative and digital space with your students?
Thursday, 07 Mar 2024
Workshop: Better Data Management in 30 Minutes
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to your valuable files. In this workshop, we'll review 5 data management practices: backups, organization & naming, documentation, security, and future-proofing. This workshop is for anyone who wants to improve their data management.
Tuesday, 19 Mar 2024
Professional and Scientific Council seminar series
"Exploring Applications and Ethics of Generative AI in Educational and Professional Settings," Abram Anders, interim associate director of the Student Innovation Center, and associate professor of English. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT provide intriguing opportunities to enhance learning and productivity, but also raise complex ethical questions. Explore emerging use cases and issues regarding AI generation technologies.
Workshop: Build a quick website using Google Sites
Creating a simple website can be frustrating and overwhelming, espeically if you have very little or no web design or coding experience. If you want to quickly create a website with no coding or design experience, but with the ability to collaborate with others in real time, try Google Sites and see if this might benefit your needs. Google Sites is a free web-based web creation tool that will get your website up and running in very little time.
Wednesday, 20 Mar 2024
Instructors Share Teaching Strategies
Award-winning faculty from a variety of disciplines share their wisdom and personal stories from the classroom.
Thursday, 21 Mar 2024
Workshop: Dust off your Spreadsheet using OpenRefine
This workshop will teach you several powerful features in OpenRefine and you will learn to document your process so you can effortlessly apply the same steps to similar data. This is a beginner level workshop, and no prior experience is needed. You will need to bring a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer to participate.
Workshop: Getting started with EndNote Web
This workshop will introduce the basics of using the free, web-based version of the EndNote citation management system. Participants will be given a demonstration of its use and will have an opportunity for hands-on experience with collecting citations from a variety of online indexes and databases, organizing them within their EndNote library, and using them in Microsoft Word using EndNote's Cite While You Write plugin.
Tuesday, 26 Mar 2024
POSTPONED: Intro to Geospatial Humanities workshop
The new date for this workshop is March 28.
Thursday, 28 Mar 2024
Workshop: Records Management for Student Organizations
The decisions you make and the records you create as a member of a student organization shape the history of the University. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of physical and digital records management to ensure your organization's history isn't lost or erased. The knowledge and skills you gain in this workshop will empower you to share your story from your perspective by creating, collecting, and preserving your records.
Workshop: Getting started with LaTex and Overleaf
This hands-on workshop uses the Overleaf editor to demonstrate the basics of LaTeX. Attendees will work through examples, experiment with common features, and take away a list of additional resources that can be used after the workshop to explore further.
Workshop: Intro to Geospatial Humanities
This introduction to GIS for the humanities will present the basic concepts, data sources, and tools for mapping and spatial analysis. Participants will create a map using ArcGIS Online.
Series, ChatGPT Under the Hood: The Future of Generative AI
In the final session of this series, we will explore cutting-edge advancements shaping the landscape of Generative AI.