Performance: Lorie Line and her Pop Chamber Orchestra

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Date/Time:Sunday, 22 Nov 2009 at 3:00 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Cost:Adults: $45; Youth: $25; ISU Students: $20
Contact:Angela Ossian
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Celebrate the Season and 20 great years of sharing music with Lorie Line. The theme will be simple and elegant as Lorie and five of her fabulous musicians return to some favorite old traditions from over the years. Lorie plans to wear run-way red-carpet couture dresses and adorn all of her musicians in the latest designer fashions. Bring the kids (ages 4 and up) as they will get to meet Santa on stage!

Lorie Line's 2009 holiday show promises to be the most intimate Christmas show ever, with Lorie and just fi ve of her fabulous musicians on the stage. This year is special as it is Lorie's 20th year anniversary of touring and performing to audiences across the country. The theme will be simple and elegant as Lorie returns to some of the treasured traditions from over the years, including sharing a very personal letter and taking audience requests for her on-the-spot medley of favorite songs. Bring the kids (ages 4 and up) as they will get to entertain audiences with their cute and honest dialog
with Santa.

Add sparkle to your Holiday season with Lorie as she celebrates 20 great years of sharing music with her fans.